For decades, people have trusted their elected officials to do what was right for their constituents. Many of us have blindly handed over power – thinking we had our eyes wide open. Here’s the deal; we are beginning to wise up. As a result of scandal after scandal, government debauchery and the dawn of the world wide web, people are facing the depth in which they have been deceived. It’s not just the people of the United States, but citizens from nations all over the planet who are waking up, and taking a stand stating that they were not born yesterday.
Since the dawn of the internet and alternative media, the exposure of the crimes against the people cannot be hidden. Still our so-called leaders take themselves very seriously and have lost perspective as to what put them in power in the first place. The world is treated like their personal internet marketing company spewing out whatever reality suites their needs in the assumption that the folks will believe it. Many can use spin doctors and marketing firms to cloak the truth of their deceptive ways. Many are masters themselves in the game of manipulation and have daresay blatantly forgotten other realities for their own personal self-gain. Continue reading » The World Is Waking Up Part 1